By Nancy Campbell on Tuesday, 22 October 2019
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Why do some women spurn
The joy of motherhood?
To care for precious souls,
Is a gift sent for our good.

There is no greater goal,
Or place of high esteem
Than to teach a child God's way
To become all they should be.

Yes, we each have gifts
To do all kinds of work,
But to nurture human souls
Should not be snubbed or shirked.

It seems as if today
"Just" to be a mom and wife
Is seen as low and boring,
As if missing out on life.

But stop and take a look
At what this view has wrought.
Do things keep getting better?
Are we prospering, or not?

The world is going crazy
As we value fame and wealth
More than faith and family,-
God's plan for life and health.

Let's seek the ancient paths
Where mothers are held high;
Where children aren't just burdens,
But the essence of blessed life.

There is no work that's higher;
God's word reveals it's true.
To love your spouse and children
Is His plan and will for you!

2019, Val Halloran