By Nancy Campbell on Wednesday, 15 July 2020
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


God is a dwelling God. He is not a God who is afar off. He loves to come near to us. In fact, did you know that He loves to get right in the middle of everything? He wants to come right into the center of your kitchen where you are cooking, cleaning up, and caring for all the little ones who need you at once.

I love the words God speaks to the children of Israel in the wilderness: "For the LORD your God walks about in the middle of your camp to deliver you and defeat your enemies for you" (Deuteronomy 23;14). The Hebrew word "in the middle" means" the nearest part, the center, the interior." It is used to describe the intestines because it is the inner part. God uses the word when speaking of creating a person's spirit. God "formeth the spirit of man within him" (Zechariah 12:1) So we see that God doesn't want to be on the outskirts of your home but right inside where everything is happening.

Isn't that so wonderful? You need Him so much. But you need not despair, because He is right near you, waiting for you to call out to Him. He has promised to be near to those who call out to Him (Psalm 145:18). He is waiting and watching to deliver you. He will help you defeat your enemies. He is a "very present" help in your trouble (Psalm 46:1).

Thank Him for His presence with you. Thank Him that He is with you as you nurse your baby, as you change diapers, as you clean and care for your children. It will make all the difference as you acknowledge His presence.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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