By Nancy Campbell on Thursday, 05 April 2018
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Did you read the testimony by Pitana and Nadia Mutana on page 27 of the current Above Rubies, #94? They wrote about the power of naming their children.

Their darling baby girl was born in January. They named her Grace. Little did they know the grace of God they would need. Little Grace was born with Cloves disease. It is a very rare disease and only about 50 people in the whole world have been diagnosed with it. It is a serious disease and we have been praying along with Pitana and Nadia for a miracle for their baby. And I know many of you have been praying too.

Pitana and Nadia and their children are people of faith. They are raising their children to be people of prayer and faith. Every week they fast and pray along with their children. And they have been continually pressing into God for a miracle for Grace.

Because of the Cloves disease, Grace was born with a divider on her forehead. The left side of her face and body were perfect. The right side was growing the tumors. Praise the Lord, this morning Nadia messaged me with wonderful news. “It is clearing up. The divider was so thick, it went through the skin. It wasn’t just on the surface. But God is clearing it up. Even in the back. So, in faith, we know He has healed her of all! We shall soon see it all.

“Our baby Grace would only turn her head to the left. She would always lay her head facing to the left. Her eyes would also only see through the corner to the left. As of Saturday, praise God, she lays her head facing to the right and her eyes move around, and she can actually see us now!

“Now, instead of going for twelve days without a bowel movement, she went six days! She has had two bowel movements in a row which she hasn’t since her first week of being born. Praise God, He heals and has already healed her. ‘By His stripes Grace was healed.’ Hallelujah!

“Thank you for praying with us. Soon, we will write telling you that the tumor is gone, her feet, legs, and toes are perfect. Her hips are in place. That her mouth is perfect, and her left side is the same size as the right side. That her kidneys are perfect and the same size. And her skin beautiful and same color! Our God is faithful.

“A month ago, we had to contend for her life as the enemy was really attacking her., She would do almost bell crunches in great pain and her eyes would roll. It happened one after the other and left her completely exhausted. At times she couldn’t cry. This lasted for a couple of weeks while getting worse. One night we included the children and stayed up praying as we sensed her life was at risk. Praise God, He has set her free! We give Him all the glory!

“Thank you for praying for us.”

Keep believing and praying for Grace for the great miracle of her total healing.

Love from Nancy Campbell