By Nancy Campbell on Wednesday, 11 April 2012
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Driving to an Above Rubies retreat recently, the GPS directed us to “Go right… Go left.” “It would be nice to be told clearly what to do in every situation, wouldn’t it?” I commented.

A passenger in the car voiced, “I wish I had a GPS for my life.”

Praise God, we do have a God-directed GPS for our life. It is operated by the Holy Spirit who speaks to our mind and heart. Isaiah 30:21 says, “Thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.”

But we have to listen very carefully to hear God’s voice. We can’t just turn up the volume. We have to tune our ears to hear and train them to listen.

How do we know it is God’s voice amidst the many deceptive voices in the world? It will never violate God’s Word. I sometimes hear mothers saying, “I have peace about my decision” and yet their decision does not line up with the Bible. They feel peace because they have chosen the easy way. It feels good and there’s no more challenge or difficulties. God doesn’t always direct us into the easy path.

There is a peace that is deceptive. May God give us ears to recognize His voice and hearts to discern the truth. And let’s get into the habit of listening to His voice. As we listen to Him directing us in the little things throughout the day, we’ll be in the habit of hearing His voice for the major decisions of life.

Love from Nancy