By Nancy Campbell on Thursday, 11 June 2015
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


King David appointed 4,000 gatekeepers to watch over the treasures and entrances to the temple, each doing their duty in their courses. I was amazed to notice when reading 1 Chronicles 26 about the caliber of these men. They weren't wimps. Here's some of the descriptions in verses 6-8.

"mighty men of valor"
"strong men"
"able men for strength for the service"

Each one of these descriptions uses the Hebrew word "chayil" which is the same word that was used to describe David's brave soldiers who were also mighty men of valor. Chayil is used in the context of an army going out to battle and means strong, courageous, and valiant. Doorkeepers also had to be strong. They had to examine every person that came into the temple and be able to resist anyone who tried to come in by force. They couldn't be weaklings. They had to have the power of a "bouncer" if the need arose (if we could use that word in a positive way).

I remember when we were pioneering a church on the Gold Coast of Australia, a place of many nightclubs. Our church was opposite the casino. One of the first converts who came into our church was a bouncer. He was a big black guy and one punch from him and the recipient would be knocked out flat! He didn't know any other work apart from being a "bouncer" and would come to us every night before he went to work and ask us to pray for him! I trust he did his job with a little more restraint! The wonderful thing is that God worked in this man and today, thirty years down the track, he is still preaching the gospel.

However, dear ladies, did you know that this same Hebrew word, "chayil" is also used about us women? It is the same word that is used in Proverbs 31:10: "Who can find a virtuous (chayil) woman: for her price is far above rubies." To be a mother and homemaker we also need to be strong and courageous--especially strong in truth, strong in our convictions, and strong to resist the enemy.

As gatekeepers of our home, we must daily put on the armor of God and "bounce" out of our home all deception, evil, and anything that rises up "against the knowledge of God" (2 Corinthians 5:10). We guard carefully over our gates and examine everyone and everything that could defile our home. Our home is a holy temple and we have the responsibility to keep it holy.

You cannot do it in your own strength, but call upon God. Use the power of the name of Jesus as you resist the enemy. Don't be a weakling, but stand strong against all insidious plans of the enemy to defile and destroy your home.

Blessings to you today,

Nancy Campbell