By Nancy Campbell on Friday, 14 August 2015
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Did you enjoy sitting together around your family table last night for your family meal? Did you set the table and prepare a meal that enticed everyone to the table? Did you enjoy great conversation together? Did you end the meal with reading the Word and praying together?

Or did you let it slip? There are times when something special is on the agenda and we have to miss this precious time. But dear mothers, we dare not get into the habit of letting it slip! It is foundational family life. It is what strengthens and cements the family. It is generational. If we let it go by the way, what happens to the next generation? If this generation do not sit around a table to eat together, what will the next generation do?

I know it doesn’t automatically happen. You as the mother of the home have to make it happen. You have to schedule it to happen. You have to put aside other things to make it happen. You may have to rearrange your whole life to make it happen. But you cannot let it go. It is not only for the blessing of your children now, but for future generations. You are training your children now for their marriage and how they will raise their children.

If you’ve been getting out of this basic habit, ask the Lord to help you get back into the habit again. Ask God to show you ways to make each meal a very special time for your family. Start thinking now about what you will cook tonight? But more than that, think about what you could talk about together. Think about the joy of culminating the meal with Family Devotions.

Be abundantly blessed,

Nancy Campbell