By Nancy Campbell on Tuesday, 26 July 2022
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Alexander Maclaren writes: "Unless religion is communion, it is nothing." True Christianity is a relationship with a person, Jesus Christ. However, this same principle relates to us as families too.

Family life is togetherness. It is relationships. They take time to build. If we don't make an effort to keep the family relating together, it is easy for everyone to start going their own ways. The family becomes fragmented instead of being built together.
Of all the animals God created, He chose to call us His sheep. Sheep have a flock mentality. They cannot survive on their own. They are only content when in the flock. Psalm 107:41 tells us that God also makes "families like a flock." He wants us to be together.
A wonderful way to fellowship together is at the family meal table where we encourage discussion and heart and soul dialogue together. I hope you have the same rule that we do at our family table that no one is allowed to bring iPhones to the table. I cannot think of anything ruder than people texting or checking their messages while sitting with the family. It's bad enough seeing families do this at a restaurant, let alone in the family home. We sit around a table for the purpose of being able to look at one another in the eye as we share together.
Don't let other things crowd out this godly habit in your family.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell