By Nancy Campbell on Wednesday, 01 May 2013
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


There are many other lovely "ness" words that should describe our family life and who we are as a wife and mother. Or, they are a CHALLENGE to describe our family life! Read them over and let God speak to you. You may like to print this out and take one word for each day. Meditate on how you can bring the experience of it into your daily family life. Here we go...

Blessedness, cheerfulness, cleanliness, courteousness, faithfulness, fairness, forgiveness, gentleness, godliness, goodness, gracefulness, gratefulness, healthiness, helpfulness, holiness, hopefulness, joyfulness, kindness, loveliness, meekness, maternalness and motherliness, oneness, peacefulness, politeness, prayerfulness, pureness, richness, righteousness, softness, submissiveness, sweetness, teachableness, tenderness, thankfulness, thriftiness, truthfulness, virtuousness, and wholeness.

This sounds like a blessed marriage and family life, doesn't it? I think we've got plenty of work ahead of us, don't you!

And I am sure you could think of other words, too. Share them with me.

Love from Nancy