By Nancy Campbell on Thursday, 19 March 2015
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Sometimes you feel like fainting and giving up along the way. Zerubbabel felt like that too when he came back from Babylon to rebuild the house of God. The prophet continued to encourage him in Zechariah 4:9: “The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house; his hands shall also finish it.”

You have begun building a godly home and godly dynasty. Don’t give up until you finish. God is with you now and will be with you all the way through! His plan is for you to finish your task and He will not forsake you until you have finished--and finished in triumph!

Are you overwhelmed with homeschooling? You’re tempted to send them back to school? That’s the adversary tempting you! Cry out to God for His help and don’t give into the enemy. You are going to finish your task! Do you feel you can't have any more babies? Why stop before the finishing line? God may have one more special baby for you. Finish your race!

I love the Living Bible translation of this passage: “Therefore no mountain, however high, can stand before Zerubbabel! For it will flatten out before him! And Zerubbabel will finish building this Temple with mighty shouts of thanksgiving for God’s mercy, declaring that all was done by grace alone” Zechariah 4:7). You won’t finish your great project in your own strength; it will be all by the grace of God.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell