By Nancy Campbell on Thursday, 29 August 2019
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Do you sometimes wish you could forget about looking after littles ones, doing dishes and laundry, and cooking meals day after day? You wish you could be out serving the Lord and really doing something great for God.

Dear mother, I want to remind you that you ARE serving the Lord. God gave you your precious children and He didn’t give them to you to give to someone else to care for. He gave them to YOU. This is your service to Him. You are nurturing and training these children for Him. It is more important than any service you could ever do.

I think back of how I dreamed of being a single missionary and changing the world for God. Instead I got married and had children! And I have impacted the world in a far greater way than if I had served the Lord on my own. My service to the world is multiplied through our children.

“For what is service but the life of Jesus,
Lived through a vessel of earth’s fragile clay,
Loving and giving and poured forth for others,
A living sacrifice from day to day.”

~ Freda Hanbury Allen

This is a picture of motherhood. Pouring out your life for your husband and children. Living a life of sacrifice each day.

But this is not only a picture of motherhood, it is the revelation of Jesus. Jesus came to serve and give His life (Matthew 20:8). And the greatest service you can do each day is to allow the life of Jesus to live through you which is loving, serving, and pouring out for others.

How blessed you are.

Love from Nancy Campbell

Another painting by Robert Coombs.