By Nancy Campbell on Thursday, 20 December 2018
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


I think it is important to know who we are as women, don’t you? God calls us a number of different names in His Word. The first name God gives for women is “help meet.” The word “help” is “ezer” in the Hebrew and simply means “to do for someone what he or she cannot do for himself or herself.”

It’s the same word that is used to describe God as our Help. God comes to our aid when we have no way of helping ourselves. What’s amazing is that God used this word to describe women before we read it as a description of God. To be a help to our husband is a divine mission. It is one of the attributes of God.

Read the meaning again. Do you notice that God did not create us to be the same as our husband? He created us differently. He created us to complement our husband in things that he cannot do himself.

God’s divine and glorious plan is to bring two people together and make them one—a man and a woman. Not two males. Not two females. Each are different, so they can accomplish the ultimate purposes of God.

God has created us with a womb to conceive and nurture life in our womb. Our husbands cannot do this. He created us to nourish a babe at our breast. Our husbands cannot do this. He created us to love home and make a nest and a safe sanctuary for our husbands and family. Our husband cannot do this. Without a wife in the home it looks and feels like a “bachelor pad.” No ambiance. No feminine touches. No hominess

This is God’s glorious plan. But because it is God’s plan, the devil hates it. He hates everything that is of God. Therefore, he seeks to destroy marriages. He woos women out of the home. He deceives them to take on their husband’s role and vacate the role God ordained for them.

Dear wives and mothers, let’s not be betrayed by the devil who is a liar and a deceiver. He has already two-timed thousands of women. Don’t be another of his statistics. Let’s be who God created us to be.

I was reading a commentary by Matthew Henry the other morning. He describes the wife as a “companion to her husband, manager of domestic concerns, trusted to form the minds of children.” I thought of how many women would despise these words today, and yet they are biblical.

It’s time to stop joining the devil’s plan (while he laughs up his sleeve), and instead embrace God’s eternal purpose.

Loads of love to you in your home today,

Nancy Campbell

Painting by Johann Georg Meyer von Bremen