By Nancy Campbell on Monday, 24 August 2020
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Do you embrace your womb as a gift from God? Part of who you are as a woman? A sacred place? Or do you see it as something that does not fit in with your lifestyle? An organ that you don’t want to function.

It’s normal that if we have anything wrong with any organ in our body, we are desperate for healing. Some people go to God for healing. Others run to the doctor. Whatever way, we want our bodies to function correctly. In fact, when one part of our body is sick or hurt, it affects the rest of our body.

And yet when it comes to the womb, the part of us that more than anything else distinguishes us as a woman, we don’t want it to work! What is wrong with that?

I think It is the deception of the devil who hates the womb and hates life! Genesis 3:15 tells us that there is enmity between the devil and the woman. One translation says: “There will be war.” Satan is at war against the womb because it is the place of life. It is the place where life is conceived, grows, and comes forth into this world. An eternal soul from conception. A life that will live forever. A life that is destined from the foundation of the world. A life that can be filled with God and bring the revelation of God into this world.

Dearest mothers, let’s not be deceived by the devil, the hater of life (John 10:10). Let’s embrace the way God created us. All His works are perfect. They are wonderful, marvelous, and amazing (Psalm 139:14).

When we embrace the function of who God created us to be, we live in His blessing. We are on His side. 1 Timothy 2:15 tells us that we are saved through childbearing and the embracing of our maternal anointing. The full meaning of the word “saved” means you will be “protected, healed, preserved, delivered and made whole.” What more could you want?

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell