By Nancy Campbell on Monday, 06 August 2018
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Did you see this movie this last weekend? My husband and I, along with other friends, went last night. It was as powerful as I expected to be.

But I was sad. The theater was sparsely filled. I expected it to be packed out on the opening weekend. It grieved my heart because this movie was produced to help expose the real truth and bring this nation back to its original mandate.

I was also sad, because apart from the young people that we dragged along, there were no other young people in the audience! And yet this movie should be packed out with young people. Most of them do not even know the immediate history of our nation. They weren’t alive during the holocaust and have no thought about it. They have no idea which United States presidents brought in progressivism, socialism, and fascism. They live in a bubble of deception and have not yet suffered the consequences of extreme socialism.

But they need to be awakened. The nation belongs to the coming generation. To our young people. They will inherit the nation we give to them and which they as young people vote for themselves. Sadly, most of the young people in our high schools and colleges today are brainwashed and propagandized with progressivism and extreme socialism. They have no vestige of the real truth at all. They have no ideas of the kind of country they are voting for the future families.

Dear parents, I would urge you to go to this movie this week and PLEASE TAKE YOUR YOUNG PEOPLE WITH YOU. Don’t take No for an answer. Be the parent! While your children are still living under the protection and provision of your home, you dictate what happens, not them! Yes, it is a documentary, but it is packed with action and they will not be bored! (My husband said that it may have been more popular if they had called it, “Who are the Facists?” or “Is Donald Trump a Fascist?”)

Take your children and then discuss it with them later. Ask them something they remembered. What did they learn they didn’t know before? What affected them the most? Get them talking. Get them understanding the issues we face in this nation. Our young people must be knowledgeable. They must know the truth. They must know how to contend for the truth. And we are responsible to teach them to lead them to the truth.

If you are concerned about finance, got to a 4.00 or 5.00 pm session which is cheaper. And you may have to travel. This movie did not come to our local theater. We had to travel!

Once again, we need to take a stand. If this movie did not come to your theater, call the theater, ask for the manager, and tell them that you want it at your theater.

This movie can impact this nation in a huge way, or fizzle to nothing. It all depends on us. Do we really care about our nation, or not? We may say we care, but it’s mere words unless we do something--even sacrificing time, effort, and finance! But we must do it!

Love from Nancy Campbell