By Nancy Campbell on Friday, 13 December 2013
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


What a privilege to be a woman!
We are created in the image of God.
We are created to reveal the nurturing and mothering heart of God.
We are created with a womb to be a life-giver.
We are created with breasts to nurture and nourish life.
We are created to be a vessel of God to bring forth life into this world--a life that is planned before the beginning of time, a life with a God-given purpose to fulfill on this earth, and a life that is an eternal soul and will live forever. We are created to be the nurturers and trainers of God's children, the children He gives to us to train on His behalf.
We are created to be feminine.
We are created to be a helper to our husband and blessed by God's plan to live under his covering and protection.
We are created for good works.
We are created to bring glory to God.
Thank you, Lord God. What a privilege. And thank you for purpose for each new day.

Love from Nancy Campbell