By Nancy Campbell on Saturday, 21 September 2013
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


My garden harvest is slowing down. Only a few tomatoes ripening now, but still loads of hot peppers. Okra is still growing prolifically. But, what did I choose to eat from my garden this evening?

Sweet potato leaves. I grow the sweet potatoes to enjoy them, but also to use the leaves throughout the growing season. I only discovered I could do this when our Liberian children came and now it's one of our favorite dishes.

I sauté onions and hot peppers in red palm oil (we like things HOT). When they are cooked, I add the finely cut sweet potato leaves. Our Liberian children love to cut it really finely with a knife. I am lazy and use the food processor. I add salt and pepper, Nutritional Yeast, and more palm oil as needed.

Tonight I also added Italian sausage. Everyone loved it.
