By Nancy Campbell on Tuesday, 04 November 2014
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


I am grieving. I am sad to hear of the death of Brittany Maynard, the 29 year old lady who chose to end her life on Saturday. I grieve because she has died and also that she decided to end her own life. Yes, she had terminal brain cancer and was informed it would be a painful death. But how do we know for sure? The medical profession give so many diagnosis that often do not eventuate. God is able to heal. He is able to help people through suffering. Not so long ago my husband's brother, and his son, both died of very invasive brain cancers. But they did not take their own lives. God was with them right to the end.

At this present time, "death with dignity" is only legal in Oregon, Washington, and Vermont. Brittany's legacy is that she wants this to become legal in every state in USA. But we must face the facts. It is not "death with dignity." It is suicide, the meaning of which is: "the act of intentionally causing one's own death, taking one's own life." And this should never become law.

The liberalists love to choose euphemisms for their choices. They use "pro-choice" instead of abortion. Once again it is a lie--abortion is a choice to murder a life, a life that is being nourished in the sacred place of the womb.

We cannot be wishy washy in our beliefs. If we believe in God, we believe in life, from conception to the grave. There are only two kingdoms in this world--the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan. God's kingdom is a kingdom of life--He is the author of life and loves life. Satan hates life and seeks to eliminate it every way he can, in the womb and before God's time is up for a person to die.

Deuteronomy 30:19 ESV says, "I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse Therefore CHOOSE LIFE, that you and your offspring may live." We must choose life for every baby in the womb and choose life in every decision we make at the potential end of life.

I was with my father the last few days of his life. One day the pastor came to see him and said to him, "Ivan, you have lived a great life. You are ready to meet the Lord. We release you to go to Him now." I didn't think anything of it at the time. It was a few months later when God woke me up one night and spoke to me. I came to realization that this man did not have the right to tell him to go. It is God's prerogative. Even though my father could not communicate at this time, I sensed he loved being in our presence us as we cared for him in the lounge. Although he was ready to meet the Lord he was savoring every last moment with his loved ones and passed so peacefully when he eventually took his last breath. Who are we to tell someone when they should go?

According to USA TODAY, there are now 40,000 suicides every year in America, one every 13 minutes. We already have an epidemic of suicide in this nation, each one thinking they have a valid reason. We do not need the state or federal government to pass legislation to approve or encourage any more suicides.

As a nation we do not want Ebola to take over our lives and we should not congratulate or make heroes out of people who take their lives. This only influences others who are going through a difficult time to do the same.

Let's CHOOSE LIFE in every situation, no matter what the circumstances.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell