By Nancy Campbell on Friday, 08 November 2019
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


A lovely poem from Val Halloran who is now a grandmother. Val shares of how the years of mothering passed by so quickly. Take time to cherish your mothering days.

You know that you were my world,
You've said so now that you're grown.
I never ever wished for the day
That you would be on your own.
The thinking is foreign to me
That children take too much time,
That there could be something else in life
To be worth leaving you behind.

You filled my life with purpose,
With hope for what lay ahead.
My greatest wish was for you to go
Wherever your Savior led.
He gave me you as an arrow
To send where He would call.
Though so many times I faltered,
I longed to give you my all.

I'm so thankful for the privilege
That too short a time was mine.
I didn't know then as the years flew by,
Just how fast would pass the time.
But I was blessed to savor
The best life that God can give-
To be a wife and mother,
There was no better way to live.

And if you have some little ones
At home, but just on loan,
Cherish every moment left
For all too soon they're grown.

2019, Val Halloran

Painting by Sheri Dinardi