By Nancy Campbell on Tuesday, 10 November 2015
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


I thought I would share a devotion from Serene for you today, which I am sure challenges us all.

It is easy to become numb to the evils around us, for the very reason that they are all around us! We live in a fallen world, filled with the devil's perversions and all manner of abominations. But, can we still blush?

God asks of the people of Jerusalem, "Were they ashamed because of the abomination they had done? they certainly were not ashamed, and they did not know how to blush" (Jeremiah 8:12 NKJV).

We cannot control evil, but we can stay sensitive to its offensiveness. We don't want to turn into haughty prudes with hardened hearts. We pray with compassion for the lost and reach out our hand into their world of pain, but can we still blush? Evil should jar our spirits.

Have I become desensitized to the things which should make me blush as a daughter of our Holy God? Is TV constantly in the background with its lewdness and humanism seeping into the atmosphere? Could I watch this movie and be comfortable if Jesus sat beside me in the flesh? Would I lose my temper and justify it because I had a headache if God was over for dinner? Actually, He is over for dinner every night!

What do we accept through the gates of our hearts and homes that doesn't even bother us, and yet should make us blush?

~ Serene Allison (Trim Healthy Mama)

This devotion comes from the book, ONE HUNDRED DAYS OF INSPIRATION: