By Nancy Campbell on Tuesday, 19 April 2022
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


When my granddaughters were young, they loved to go to the dress-up box. It was their favorite thing to do. I don’t have lots of beautiful princess dresses in my Dress Up Box (they don’t last very long here) but I have tulle and sheer white curtains and lace and such and they were very creative at making themselves look like princesses, queens, and brides.

Now they have grown and the majority of them have enjoyed the glory of being the real bride and bridesmaids many times. Cherish, who married in January has been bridesmaid 10 times so far! Lots of opportunities in a big family!
Why did they want to do this? I didn’t tell them to do it. It was instinctive. Therefore, if it is instinctive and God-given, why do little girls change as they grow up? An interesting question.
I don’t believe God intends us to change. I believe He wants females to continue to dress and act like royalty. Yes, we belong to a royal kingdom. We are daughters of the King of kings. And we are meant to look like daughters. We are meant to glory in our femininity because this is the way God made us.
Today we live in a society that blurs the sexes in the way we dress, act, and even think. We are indoctrinated. We are propagandized. We are influenced by the enemy of our souls who wants to lure us away from who God intends us to be. God created male and female. Therefore, Satan who wants to rebel against all God’s ways, seeks to destroy these roles.
I think it is time we began to think truthfully. We are like sheep and so quickly led astray to do whatever everyone else in society is doing. Look around you. How are most women dressed? In the uniform. All the same. Everyone wears jeans and top. They must be like everyone else. Where are the girls and women who dress femininely like princesses? Like they loved to do when they were little girls?
I think of Sarah, Abraham’s wife. The Bible says she was beautiful. She also dressed beautifully--not drab or boringly. She dressed like royalty. Her name means Princess. When Pharaoh sent his scouts out looking for beautiful women for his harem, they spied Sarah. They weren’t looking for a woman in jeans and top. They looked for a princess. It happened again with King Abimelech.
I am sure I am treading on people’s toes but let’s be honest. We are conditioned by society more than our God-given instincts. Are we even in touch with how God innately created us?
Love and blessings to you today,
Nancy Campbell
Photo: Meadow and Rashida dressing up when they were little girls. I notice Meadow has on the remains of one of my turquoise negligées. They dressed up in this for years until it wore out! Meadow is now waiting for her third baby (and still dresses like a princess) and Rashida has three darling children.