By Nancy Campbell on Friday, 24 July 2020
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


One of our Above Readers, Paula Smith writes:

My girls and I have really enjoyed listening to your podcasts while doing jobs around the house. You mentioned the other day on one of them about using our gifts to bless people.

This is something we started when my mom's health began to go downhill. I would call her during our daily prayer/praise time in the morning. A few times a week we would sing one song, the children would say they loved her, and then we'd sign off.

After she died, we started calling their other three grandmothers this way. My dad's current wife asked if we would call a good friend of hers who has been self-quarantined for more than three months due to her health.

I wish I would have started this much sooner. It just takes a little more time, but the feedback that we have gotten has been very positive and we feel much more connected to our family far away. They don't expect us to be polished since we are not performing for them, but rather inviting them to sing with us, even if only in their hearts.

I think that sometimes we homeschooling mamas feel a strong desire to minister beyond our homes and I see this as a way to do this without neglecting our primary calling.

I just thought I'd share since there might be other families who want to try it. I know that there are so many lonely older people out there who would be greatly blessed.

Love from Paula Smith * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.