By Nancy Campbell on Sunday, 05 August 2012
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Jeremiah confessed, “The Lord is with me as a mighty terrible one” (Jeremiah 20:11).

Some time back Evangeline’s husband, Howard had a dream or a vision (he is not sure what)--something that rarely happens to him. He saw three black lines that looked like steel bars but they were slightly arched. He wondered what on earth he was seeing when God came to him in a powerful way and his whole body trembled through and through.

The Holy Spirit spoke to his heart, “These are the eyebrows of the Lion. He is much bigger and much nearer than you think!”

We often fail to realize with our puny minds the awesomeness and terribleness of our God. And, dear mother, this is the God who is with you to help you in your divine task of raising your children. He gave you this powerful career and He will not forsake you. He is your great and mighty God. Nothing is too hard for Him. Nothing takes him by surprise.

And, He is with you in your home, right now!

Love from Nancy