By Nancy Campbell on Thursday, 28 May 2015
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


I want to share Rachael Stokes' testimony which she wrote in response to yesterday's post, especially because it is her little grandson, Jackson who is pictured. She shares:

"Jackson is my first grandson. Everybody has told me that you love your grandchildren more than your children. This is not so. Grandchildren make love MULTIPLY A THOUSAND TIMES. This little baby caused me to love my daughter, Renee, and son-in-love more than I ever thought possible. I never knew that you could love a child that was not your own this much. He has multiplied my love for Jake's family because they are a part of this little man. When Jake fell into love with Renee I had no idea I could love so many people so much. Grandchildren are the love multipliers. Be thankful for the person your child marries because the union will bring blessing beyond what you can imagine."

P.S. The picture: Rachael's daughter, Renee with newborn baby Jackson. What a beautiful picture of contented motherhood.