This morning at Family Devotions we read the Scripture we know so well, "Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God" (Romans 12:2). I was reminded again that if we follow the way of society, we will not be in the PERFECT will of God, no matter how much we think we are. God's way and the world's way are opposite. To do what everyone else is doing is usually the broad way that leads to destruction. The narrow way, that few choose to take, is the way to life.

Society encourages mothers to leave their home, put their children in daycare, and get a job! How boring! How insignificant! They are put in the "box"! God's PERFECT will for mothers is to embrace children and raise them to be mighty men and women for God, children who know God, know His Word, and who will influence society for the kingdom of God. That's powerful living. It's what our quote at the top of this page says.

I originally come from New Zealand, a sheep a country. No wonder God calls us sheep. They always follow one another. Huge flocks of sheep contentedly chew their grass on the green paddocks of New Zealand. However, if one sheep finds a hole in the fence and goes through, it won't be long before other sheep also follow through the hole into the next paddock. The sheep that are away on the hillside are unaware of what is happening. But, they also gradually gravitate towards the hole in the fence. It may take a day or two, but eventually that whole flock of sheep will land up in the next paddock. And they have no idea why they are there or where they are! They just follow each other.

Isn't this what happens to us? We assimilate to what everyone else is doing. Let's be those who seek the truth and line up with God rather than fitting in with society.

Love from Nancy Campbell