By Nancy Campbell on Saturday, 07 March 2015
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


What is the first thing God did to Adam and Eve after creating them? He blessed them Genesis 1:28). Our God is a blessing God. He loves to bless. And He wants to bless people through you and me. This was the task of the priests in the Old Testament, to "bless in his name" (Deuteronomy 10:8; 21:5; and Numbers 6:23-27). Through Christ's redemption, we are now holy and royal priests (1 Peter 2:5, 7) and we still have the same task. To bless.

Think of a special way you can bless your husband today. Think of ways to bless each one of your children. And if you have any more time after that (hopefully) think of someone else who needs blessing outside your home. Give them a call, write a beautiful card and send it to them, text an encouraging message, or make something special for them.

Make today a blessing day. And every day a blessing day in your home. Look for blessing moments.

Be a blesser.

Blessings to you from Nancy Campbell