By Nancy Campbell on Wednesday, 19 August 2020
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Are you ready to face the temptations of the devil? Are your children ready? A huge part of our mothering is preparing our children to face the onslaughts of the devil. For certainly the devil will come to tempt them. He wants their souls. Therefore, we must fortify them to withstand his fiery darts.

Jesus shows us the way. When Satan came to tempt Him in the wilderness, three times He said: “It is WRITTEN.” When Jesus spoke aloud “It is WRITTEN” and quoted the Scripture, the devil knew he was defeated.

Every Word of God is powerful, authoritative, and eternal. The devil knows its power and must obey.

That’s why we must know God’s Word. That’s why we must diligently teach our children God’s Word. They must have the Word ready to use against the devil. Jesus was ready to quote the Word. Are we and our children?

Homeschooling children need God’s Word every day. His life-giving Word should be the most important thing they learn each day.

If there are Christian parents who are still sending their children into the public-school system to be subtly brain-washed by humanism, socialism, liberalism, progressivism, and now the gay agenda and alternative lifestyles, they need to give their children TRIPLE DOSES of God’s Word each day. Or how will they survive the deceptions of the enemy?

There is only way to make our children strong against temptation. 1 John 2:14 says: “I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the WORD OF GOD ABIDES IN YOU, and ye have overcome the wicked one.”

Are you a Word-mother? Are your children Word-children? Does God’s Word richly abide in your children’s hearts?

Blessings to you from Nancy Campbell