By Nancy Campbell on Sunday, 28 July 2024
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


I believe every God-fearing family should be praying together in this strategic hour of history. We must continue to pray for God’s

divine protection on President Trump. We must pray against crooked elections again and all the tricks the democrats will be mustering to try and win these elections. We must pray for Israel as they continue the war with Hamas and have now been attacked again from Hezbollah in the north yesterday.
We must also pray for the cleansing of the blood of Jesus over the sacrilegious mockery of The Last Supper by these transgender people at the opening of the Olympics. Romans 12:9 tells us that we must abhor and shudder at evil. We must expose it and resist it.
Every God-fearing person must boycott these Olympic Games. To do nothing is to side with this horrific evil.
Also, did you know about the three day Esther Fast called by Lou Engle in response to this terrible mockery, this Monday to Wednesday (29th -31st July).
Let’s be warriors families for God.
Let’s pull down strongholds.
Let’s fight in prayer against the evil principalities and powers.