By Nancy Campbell on Thursday, 30 August 2018
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


I have been dreaming and longing for the day when I could write this post! And here I am writing it today. To tell you that our God is a faithful God. To remind you that our God is Jehovah Rapha, I AM THE LORD THAT HEALETH THEE (Exodus 15:26).

You may remember seeing the wedding picture of Arden and Esther on the front cover of Above Rubies, #93. They were married in February 2016. They were hoping to come home from their honeymoon and soon be able to tell us that God was blessing them with a little baby for which they longed.

Instead, Arden was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. That began a long, hard battle for him. As a family we stood with him in prayer and faith. I remember in the summer of 2016, that we came together for three months every night to pray for him—all the family, even down to the babies. Often there would be over 30 of us. The children and young people (Arden’s cousins) poured our their hearts in prayer every night.

I printed out healing promises in big print and pinned them all around our big social room where we prayed. We had to stand on these promises because everything we beheld was the opposite! It was a fight of faith. We dared not look at what we saw, but what God’s Word says.

We feel awed and humbled at the grace of God and that we can now, after two years and eight months, tell you that he is clear! He is healed! Thank You, Father, for your faithfulness.

Thank you, too, for each of you who prayed and cried out for Arden, especially in his darkest time of fighting for life. Thank you for your love and your faithfulness to join us in prayer. Thank you for your prevailing prayers. Prayer is never wasted. It constantly goes up before the Lord as incense (Revelation 5:8 and 8:3-5). We are so grateful to you.

We give God all the glory.

Blessings from Nancy