By Nancy Campbell on Monday, 05 November 2018
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


I would encourage you to visit this site. I go to it periodically to remind me of the horrors of what is happening in our nation. It gives you the up-to-date minute by minute number of abortions taking place in our nation and across the world. This site keeps you from becoming lethargic and putting your head in the sand. We must be reminded so we will wake up and do something.

As I post this now, here are a few statistics. Since Roe v. Wade 60,853,116.0 babies have been murdered! Planned Parenthood has killed 294,544.7 this year. Already, at 10.15 am 1,088.4 abortions have taken place in the US today!

You can check out other statistics on this site. Go to:

~ Nancy Campbell