By Nancy Campbell on Monday, 26 August 2013
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


"The babe is a marvel of POSSIBILITY! The man who will sway thousands to his will as the whirlwind sweeps the forest lies sleeping in that babe. The organizer of the world’s industries, or the leader of the world’s thought, or the changer of the world’s life, and of the map of the earth, is in that wee morsel of humanity lying in his mother’s arms.

That cooing voice may compel the whole world to listen. Those fat dainty fingers may pen words that a world will be eager to read. A Wesley or a Faraday may Be there, only waiting the coming of his day of action.

And, far more than these, the man who will re-live Jesus’ life, with all its simplicity and purity and fragrance, in some humble corner, that will touch and tinge deeply the life of the crowd, may lie there all open to the impress of father and mother.”

~ S. D. Gordon