By Nancy Campbell on Monday, 06 December 2021
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


What a lovely day we enjoyed on the weekend. Began with a three generation walk with Serene and granddaughter Chalice who is due to have her baby tomorrow. We walked down to the river and back, a long hard walk. Serene walked with weights, I just walked, and Chalice waddled and yet kept up with us all the way. She is amazing. She hoped it would help baby come, but it hasn’t happened yet!

Colin and I then drove into the city to see a dear friend who was displaying all the beautiful clothes she makes at SewPop. And then we drove on to see our lovely family which you can see in the picture. Joseph and Psalmody, Anthony and Aden and Sapphire. Always fun to see them. And then in the evening a surprise birthday party for Kendall’s 30th birthday. Kendall is Meadow’s husband and we enjoyed the party at Pearl’s home.