MomBreastfeedingHere is another beautiful poem for mothers from Val Halloran.


If you've been blessed with children,

This is a calling too.

It's not a task that's in the way

Of better things to do.

It is a holy calling,

Held high within God's Word,

Done with love and nurturing,

Not just to be endured.

In fact, it is the standard

By which the church decides

If older widows should be helped

From offerings and tithes.

The older women also

Are called to teach the young

To love their spouse and children,

To manage house and home.

No mention made of money

As a wife's priority.

His call is home and children,

Good sense and purity.

Yes, she is a blessing

To those outside her door,

But never at expense of home,

Which should be at the core.

So next time someone tells you

You've better things to do

Than to bear and nurture children,

Turn to God's Word for truth.

The best thing you can offer

Is a child that loves the Lord.

It's a short, but sacred season,

Fruit of the womb is his reward.

2019, Val Halloran


Painting: “In the Orchard” by Evert Pieters (1856 - 1932, Dutch.)