By Nancy Campbell on Monday, 31 August 2020
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Jennifer Corcoran writes: “As we sit down for dinner, we each close our eyes and pick a spoon from the jar. Each color represents something different, e.g.: “pick a stick,” get the first bite, blow out the candle, say the prayer, person on the right of you says why they love you, and the sought after one - do a funky dance (which has become quite amusing over the years!)

When you get “pick a stick,” you get to choose a stick from the jar, and we talk about the meaning of what is written on the stick. Each stick has words that describe our identity in Christ. It’s a great way to discuss the gospel each night.

And the third thing is we have is a bucket full of cards we printed out with questions that help steer our conversations.

The above picture shows an example of some of these powerful words that are written on the sticks. I will gladly send you a list of the words that are on the sticks if you are interested."

Jennifer Corcoran
Slaughter, Louisiana, USA