By Nancy Campbell on Wednesday, 18 May 2022
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog

2000 MULES

On Monday evening we held another screen showing of the documentary movie, 2000 MULES at our home. It is the third time I have watched it. Have you seen it yet? If not, I would encourage you to do so. I believe every person in this nation needs to see it.

Dinesh D’Souza’s 2000 Mules shows actual people, nicknamed mules, being paid to collect and drop off ballots at privately funded drop boxes for the 2020 election. Thousands of mules were involved in the key swing states, including Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. We see how it was observed through geotracking. The reliability of geotracking is as reliable as finger printing.
This movie was only in selected theaters for two nights. The good news is that by public request it is coming back to the theaters this coming week, 30 May. Check your nearest theaters as it helps the cause. If you can’t get to a theater, you can download the movie or pre-order the DVD at
2000 Mules - SalemNOW Store
Once you have seen the movie, you will want to do something. Did you know that there are an estimated 24 million voter registrations that are invalid or significantly inaccurate? We cannot go ahead with the mid-term elections as they are. It will be stolen again. We must fight the corruption. We must beg for ID ONLY VOTING.
Go to this website:
State and Federal Senators and Congressman.
State Governors
State Attorney Generals
State Attorney General's need to step up and sue the key states to investigate and uphold the Constitution.
State Representatives need to demand the Governors take action.
State Prosecutors need to investigate, collect the cell phone IDs from True the Vote authorities. Then make arrests and charges.
The key states tracked so far are Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Texas.
To contact, go to the following websites:
You can call or email. To email just type the name of your representative in your search engine and an email form will come up.
They will try and do it again in November by declaring another pandemic or something else to lock the country down, pushing citizens to use drop boxes and thus opening the door for them to steal the election again. WE THE PEOPLE must contact our lawmakers to stop this before it happens again.
Defending the Faith includes defending the truth.