YOU HAVE A SAY! (Part 1)

YouHaveASay1We are fast approaching the time of our next presidential election and the stakes couldn’t be higher. The far left strongly advocates Marxism and the liberal policies of wholesale abortion, same-sex marriage, transgenderism, sex trafficking, all manner of moral perversion, and the extreme over-reach of global warming. Let alone planning the invasion of our country with foreigners and terrorists. They have already allowed 10 million illegal immigrants into our nation. And communists flying their red flags are marching the streets of our cities.
Without any compunction they malign the righteous with all manner of hate speech through propaganda and the liberal media. They are quick to condemn the righteous for a so-called insurrection when their protest marches turned over police cars, burnt American flags, looted shops, smashed down windows, taking over whole sections of cities—and got away with it.
Those on the right are condemned if they dare to pray inside the capitol building or even dare to stand up and speak against the 2020 election being stolen, which it was without doubt. There is ample evidence to prove it. The liberal agenda has weaponized the FBI to crack down on anyone who dares to stand up and exercise their God-given and constitutional rights.
Sad to say, there are good people on the right who are being persuaded by some conservative talk show hosts to not vote for Donald Trump because he is not as strong as they think he should be on certain aspects of abortion. Nevertheless, we should not underestimate the national benefit of his appointing supreme court judges who were able to bring about the massive demise of Roe v. Wade. We can thank Donald Trump for that.
He stated these words on January 17, 2021: “Every human life is a gift to the world. Whether born or unborn, young or old, healthy or sick, every person is made in the holy image of God. The Almighty Creator gives unique talents, beautiful dreams, and a great purpose to every person. On National Sanctity of Human Life Day, we celebrate the wonder of human existence and renew our resolve to build a culture of life where every person of every age is protected, valued, and cherished.” He shows a respect for life and needs to be reminded of these above words.
I was very disappointed to hear him say during the debate with Biden that he believed in the exceptions for abortion, namely, rape, incest, and the health of the mother. At the same time he denounced later term abortions. However, when you open the door to exceptions, it soon becomes a landslide.
There can be no exceptions when it comes to life. If it’s life and there is a heartbeat, you cannot kill the baby. It is murder. I personally know people who were conceived through incest, and they are living a beautiful life today. I personally know people who were conceived through rape and yet are living a happy life today. There are mothers who are happily married and now giving life to their own children who were conceived through rape. There is never an excuse to kill an innocent baby.
So what do we do? I will tell you in the next post.
Colin Campbell

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