Say3What is the greatest thing we can do? Of course you know. It is to pray. But will you pray? Will you gather your family to pray each day for this coming election? Will you join me in obeying God’s injunction to me to pray for Trump?
We must pray that God will strengthen him in the ways of righteousness and that he will not compromise on anything that is morally wrong.
We must pray that God will prepare him for his next term of presidency.
We must pray that he will love righteousness and hate all evil (Psalm 45:7; 97:10; Amos 5:15; and Romans 12:9).
We must pray that God will protect him from all those who would try to trap him in their devious plans. him in their devious plans.
We must pray that all his enemies will be brought down, and they will fall into their own traps (Psalm 31:4; 35:7, 8; 57:6; 140:9-11; and 141:10).
We must pray that God will protect him (and his wife and family) at all times. We know the opposition will stop at nothing to eradicate him. I believe it was only the power and protection of God answering the prayers of His people that saved Donald Trump on J13.
We must keep praying earnestly for God’s supernatural and divine protection upon him. Our warfare is not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers (2 Corinthians 10:4, 5 and Ephesians 6:11, 12).
We must pray that he will always give God the glory in everything and in every way (1 Corinthians 10:31 and Colossians 3:17).
We must pray that God will keep him in excellent health and that he will have overflowing strength and wisdom to perform all the tasks that lie before him each day.
As you gather your families each day at family devotions, pray together for this coming election. And don’t forget to vote. I believe God has blessed this nation with the most amazing constitution, giving “We the People” much influence in how this country is governed. When we do not vote we negate the God-inspired privilege we have inherited.

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