BeFaithful2Millions of God-fearing people prayed around the world the night of the elections. It was a miraculous deliverance from a government sold out to an agenda of extreme socialism, big government, legalization of moral perversions (such as abortion and homosexuality) and anti-American constitutionalism. This nation was about to go over the cliff and down into the abyss of anti-Christ extreme liberalism and moral bankruptcy.

God, in His great mercy heard our prayers and gave us another window of His mercy and grace. We were so close to losing without God’s divine intervention.

You may remember from my earlier writings during the time of the primaries that I did not endorse Trump, but voted for Ted Cruz. However, that was not to be. In the end, it came down to the fact that we had to vote for a conservative or extreme liberal agenda. God knows what He is doing far beyond our finite minds and has given us a man who will make things happen. But ultimately He saved us from disaster.

Many prophetic words have come to God’s people (some of these given a long time ago) stating God would give Trump for president and that he would be like a Cyrus who helped the people of God, even though he was a heathen. Read Isaiah 45 of God’s word to Cyrus, the king of Persia. God says to him: “I have even called there by thy name . . . though thou hast not known me.” (It’s interesting that Trump will be our 45th President).

The day before the election I felt the Holy Spirit speak to my heart: “Colin, if I give you Trump, will you be faithful to pray for him every day?” I was taken aback. Could I do this in my own strength? I answered, “Yes, Lord, only by your grace.”

I believe we must all arise against every entrenchment of the devil and apply ourselves with earnest and heart-felt prayers, coupled with every endeavor to live a godly lifestyle that will impact the nation and the world.

Will you join with me in praying for our President Elect every day? This is a man who walked in the flesh. However, as God’s people arise and pray, he can become a man who walks in the Spirit. Imagine what can happen to our nation and the world if every God-fearing Christian interceded for him every day?

I will write a separate post with 10 points to pray for Trump. You can print this off and keep it in your Bible, or of course, keep it on your iPhone to remind you.

We must also pray against any evil agenda Obama would seek to enforce in his last 90 days of office. Pray for God’s divine protection.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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