LoseFoundations4We continue to asks ourselves some sober questions.

3. Does the nation of Israel have a place in our foundations? And from where do our ethics and values come?

There are people who will always cry out, “Peace, peace; when there is no peace” (Jeremiah 6:14). Many of the wealthy Jews in Europe did not believe those who told them that Hitler would try to exterminate them all if he could. They regarded those who warned of approaching danger as alarmists and doomsday extremists. Those who fled Europe by whatever means they could saved themselves, along with their families. Those who believed they would survive by continuing to stay were fed as fuel to the concentration camp oven fires and mass graves.

The main reason why we elect a new president once every four years is primarily for our own protection. However, being the rich, powerful, and blessed nation we are, with a foundation based on biblical values, we need a president who will stand with the little nation of Israel which is the cradle nation for our Judeo/Christian ethics and values.

God has blessed our so-called “Christian nation” because we have stood with Israel over the years--until this last administration. God has promised to bless those who bless Israel. God said to Abram in Genesis 12:3: “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee; and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”

We are almost the only nation in the whole world that has stood by Israel, but now much of the liberal press, the liberal government, and even the liberal church have been deceived by Palestinian propaganda.

Throughout the President Obama era Israel has been snubbed and threatened, especially the area of the West Bank, along with their amazing Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. Israel is surrounded by nations that hate her with an unholy vengeance and they want to destroy her from off the face of the earth.

I believe God will remove our protection if we do not stand up for Israel’s protection. We must have a president at this time who will not force Israel to surrender any more of its ancient boundaries that were given by God’s divine mandate, and which they also won back as a result of being attacked. We cannot have a president who is pro-Palestinian because they hate Israel and want to completely destroy it.

Israel wants peace with is neighbors, but cannot afford to give them the strategic West Bank which makes them more vulnerable to attack from the heights of these mountains.

All the nations that once blessed Israel and have enjoyed great prosperity and peace had better not forsake her. If they do, they forsake their blessing. Sadly, many Christian nations have already become pro-Islam, pro-Palestinian, and anti-Israel and now their angelic defense is departed from them. Now they are under ISIS attack, plus many forms of spiritual attack.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

P.S. Have you check out this link? It is important to get your understanding from the Scriptures rather than the media: http://aboverubies.org/EverlastingPossession


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