LoseFoundations3Why are many young people and students voting for Bernie Sanders and his extreme socialist/communist policies? He believes that even Obama and Hilary Clinton are not far enough left in socialism and makes no apologies that he is an outright socialist. This reveals how far the USA, one of the most blessed countries of the world has, and still is, drifting away from our biblical, conservative foundations.

The other night I listened to Trump on Hannity where he stated that because he is a great deal-maker he would use his skills to try for a peace treaty between the Palestinians and Israel. He admitted that it would be a great challenge, even to him. “But I will give it one hell of a shot,” he said (Trump language!).

To be honest, this is one of the things that scares me most about Trump. We should all be aware of the natural disasters that have hit the United States of America every time we have forced Israel to give up the West Bank, which is THE HEARTLAND OF ISRAEL and includes part of Jerusalem. (Have you read the book, “As America has Done to Israel?” by John P. McTernan?)

Ezekiel, chapters 36 - 37 are prophetic promises to His people, Israel. (Take time to read these amazing chapters). They are God’s specific promises about the mountains and waste places of Israel which are all in the West Bank. They have all been prophetically promised to be restored and populated with God’s ancient people.

Will Trump seek to negotiate with Israel to give the West Bank back to the Palestinians, as if it always belonged to them? The Heartland of Israel is filled with the evidence of certain tribes of Israel living there. They also took it back by a miraculous war after they were attacked by Arab armies coming at them from strategic parts of the West Bank.

Israel needs these center of their land, firstly because it was given to them by God for an “everlasting possession,” and secondly, because when Israel controls the West Bank it lessens their vulnerability from enemy attack .

We must pray for our own sakes that America will not go against God’s will for ALL of Israel’s promised land. The United Sates of America is a big and powerful nation, but like banks and motor companies, is it too big to fail? I think not.

If we meddle with the foundations of little Israel we could find ourselves fighting against our God who is still the God of Israel! God can easily take America down from its pedestal. * **

We need a president who understands these biblical truths. Our own foundations have been seriously eroded under Obama. We must be prayerful and careful who we chose this time.

May God have mercy on us for we have become deceived by glamour and surface popularity. Foundations are meant to be deep and solid, not glitzy, showy, prideful, and deal-making. These things are just surface, building on the sand.

Be encouraged Colin Campbell

P.S. Check out this link:

* Genesis 12:3; Psalm 129:5; Jeremiah 51:24; Ezekiel 25:7; 35:1-15; 36:1-7; 38:18-23; Joel 3:1, 2; Obadiah 15; and Zechariah 12:1-9.

** Our God is called THE GOD OF ISRAEL 203 times in our Bible, although He is also called THE GOD OF JACOB and many other similar names. If our God is not the God of Israel, we worship a different God from the Bible. And if He is the God of Israel, as He is, we had better have His understanding of Israel and the land.

The picture for this post is of vineyards growing on the Mount of Blessing, Har Brakha, on the West Bank of Israel. This area is where the Israelites first came into Israel when they came into the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 11:29-32). This picture is a fulfillment of biblical prophecy as these luscious and fruitful vineyards grow out of stones and barren dirt. Only according to the Word of the Lord which states in Ezekiel 36 that when God brings His people back to the land that these barren mountains will “shoot forth your branches, and yield your fruit to my people of Israel; for they are at hand to come”

The picture for this post is of vineyards growing on the Mount of Blessing, Har Brakha, on the West Bank of Israel. This picture is a fulfillment of biblical prophecy as these luscious and fruitful vineyards grow out of stones and barren dirt. Only according to the Word of the Lord which states in Ezekiel 36 that when God brings His people back to the land that these barren mountains will “shoot forth your branches, and yield your fruit to my people of Israel; for they are at hand to come”


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