LoseFoundations2No one in their right mind would build a house on the ground without a solid foundation or the storms, floods, and severe winds would quickly destroy it.

One of the first things we do when purchasing a house that has already been built is to employ a qualified building inspector to check its foundations. Even though the house may be of the finest design, expensive trimming, superb paint work, and the surroundings look like a beautiful park; if the foundations are weak, cracked, or compromised, who would be foolish enough to purchase it?

During the 2010 Tennessee floods, a house approximately half a mile down the road from us was completely carried away overnight. There was no trace of it to be seen in the morning. It was a relatively new double wide trailer that had not been adequately tied down to a firm foundation. Fortunately, the occupants got out just in time before it was destroyed.

One cannot help but wonder why people who want to live in a safe house fail to build their own lives on a solid foundation. The teachings of Christ are the only foundations upon which we should build our lives. All other teachings are seriously flawed. Jesus Christ alone is the Solid Rock as the old hymn says:

“On Christ the solid rock I stand,
All other ground is sinking sand.”

To be continued.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

P.S. We ourselves were affected by the May 2010 Tennessee floods. The Duck River close to us exceeded its record level by almost 10 feet, flooding or destroying homes, roads, and agricultural land. The road down to our spring was completely washed away. To this day we cannot drive on it. Although we live on a hill and a secure house, the water came up through the concrete floor, squirting through the tiles and thoroughly flooding our downstairs. The Cumberland river crested at 51.86 feet, a level not seen since 1937. Twenty-one deaths were recorded in Tennessee.


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