HSFellActs 10:44 states: “The Holy Ghost fell on all them which head the word.” Why don’t we see more of this happening our services today? Don’t we owe it to ourselves and our families to see our services divinely interrupted by the same Holy Spirit? What is wrong with us that we have become complacent?

We sit in the same seats Sunday after Sunday, listening to the same sermons and singing, the same hymns or worship songs. Many have done this all their lives and never experienced a divine encounter with God. They have not witnessed any supernatural interruption by a prophetic word, a supernatural utterance of tongues, a divine healing, a demon cast out, or even an awesome overwhelming sense of the divine presence of God so that everyone falls to their knees.

We must bear in mind that Acts 10:44-46 was the FIRST service to a company Gentiles who were not even born again believers. To me, I think that whatever was good enough for the FIRST service to the Gentiles, should be good enough for every succeeding service down through the history of the church! Would you agree?

Throughout the Acts of the apostles and Paul’s letters to the churches, it is obvious that the Holy Spirit was very active (1 Corinthians, chapters 12 -14). In these chapters Paul gives understanding, correction, and order to those in the church who were experiencing these gifts. There would be no need for Paul’s instructions regarding the manifestations of the Holy Spirit in most of our churches today because there is no room for Him to move, nor is there any desire or expectation for Him to move.

Are we really saying, “Holy Spirit, we don’t really need or want You to move in our services for we can manage very well without You. Thank you all the same”? I certainly hope not. And I mean that with all my heart.

Holy Spirit-filled parents want their children to be filled with the Holy Spirit. In this hour of our history, we need the Holy Spirit to fall again upon all those who hear the word, especially our children.

To be continued.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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