WhoRiseUpPsalm 94:16: “Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?”

It surprises me that there are so many churchgoers who support homosexuals and their right to be married. I believe this is because church leaders, for fear of losing their 501C3 status or losing people from their church, do not speak up about what God says concerning this issue.

Gods people are like sheep and easily led astray. Church leaders and parents who claim to be Christians must from time to time, especially at this moment which this subject is such a “hot potato,” should rise, up, stand up, and speak up.

Another reason why church leaders do not speak out against this moral perversion is that they are afraid of being branded a bigot or intolerant. They love the praises of men and want to be loved by all. They want to be popular, but the truth is not always popular. Antibiotic injections have to be given in order to save lives, even if the recipients don’t like needles being poked into them.

As parents, we must share with our children what God says about the sin of homosexuality. The state schools through Common Core are not afraid to educate the nation’s children to accept homosexuality as an alternative to heterosexual marriage. The media is fine with pushing alternative lifestyles.

However, because the world jams these immoral values into our young people’s minds, we as church leaders and parents cannot afford to hold back the truth. If we are silent because of fear of being branded bigots, homophobias or such like, woe unto us.

We must speak up now.
We must stand up now.
We must rise up now.

This is the time to educate our children with the truth of God’s Word or we will be in danger of losing them. Many have already lost their children to the deception of homosexuality because not enough people are prepared to rise up and call it what it is: homosexuality is an abomination to God and it should be to us.

Leviticus 18:22 says: “Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind: it is abomination.” This ruling comes from the Supreme Court of Heaven.

Be ready to rise up.

Colin Campbell


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