By Colin Campbell on Monday, 08 September 2014
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


Revelation 17:6 says, "And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus." The ISIS terrorist group are not ashamed to publicly shed blood. Could they become worse than the Nazis? Is it possible?

How could anything could be worse than the cruel atrocities committed by the Third Reich of Germany on the millions of Jews of Europe during the time of World War II--the mass deportations in cattle cars, the splitting up of families, the cruel slave labor and extermination camps, the gas chambers, and the mass graves. Much of this was kept a secret for they were embarrassed to let the world know the levels to which they had stooped to people who were unarmed and who for generations had been citizens of their European countries.

The big difference with ISIS is that they are not ashamed to make public their barbaric acts of torture and violence. They want the whole world to know the cruelty of their ideology. One would think that such cruelty would cause Islamic young people, both men and women, to distance themselves from ISIS but this is not the case. Thousands of young people have been attracted to join up and offer their services to this evil, deluded, butcher-style militancy. Many have left the comforts of their western nations to offer their lives to further this evil cause.

How can we not be challenged by the craziness and false zeal of these deluded people who believe they are serving God as they lop of innocent people's heads? As families, we need to pray that God will clothe us with His true, loving, and righteous zeal that will enable us to defeat and bring down the armies of the enemy. With the high praises of God in our mouths, and a two edged sword in our hands, we will bind their kings with chains and their nobles with fetters of iron (Psalm 1459:6, 7).

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell