WhereZealMen, if we have no zeal, we are like gasoline without octane. What man wants to drive a car that has no "get up and go"? Come on! Sluggishness is something we men cannot stand when it comes to driving cars or working any kind of machinery, including computers.
Some may think that zeal sounds a little fanatical, but the truth is that most of us could do with a bit more of it! Some, a lot more of it!
True zeal spurns compromise, especially when it comes to principles. Jesus acted with zealous fanaticism to cleanse the house of God. John 2:17 tells us that it was zeal that motivated his actions.
If it's okay for communists, socialists, progressives, and Islamics to be zealots, what about God’s people?
The Greek word for "zeal" is “zecos” meaning "heat, ardor, fervent mind." It's most important for us men to be zealous for our families, our homes, our principles, our work or career, and most important of all, our service to God. A man without zeal will tend to be overly casual. He will be a "moocher" Have you heard this word before? We use “mooching”in New Zealand and Australia for loitering about aimlessly.
A man lacking zeal is like trying to drag around a heavy weight. He has no spring in his step, no oomph in his personality, no twinkle in his eye, and no passion for anything. He is like a dead man walking. He is a bore to be around, a fire without heat, a drag on society. This is not the man being created into the image and likeness of God (Romans 8:29).
Let’s be men who are zealous for God and His kingdom.
Be encouraged,
Colin Campbell

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