PrayWithoutCeasingSome thoughts from Michael Barnett:
"PRAY WITHOUT CEASING" (1 Thessalonians 5:17).
Suppose, in theory, there was a church of around 300 that read this verse and, because they took God seriously, they established a system where one family was appointed one hour of the day to pray that the lost world would be reached; and that every hour of 24 was filled by one if not more families—it's doable.
Suppose in theory that this continued seven days a week.
Suppose in theory that this church decided that "without ceasing" meant what it said, admitted to its impossibility, yet prayed for wisdom on how to fulfill it instead of making it mean what they wanted it to mean.
Suppose in theory that this prayer meeting continued for 100 years.
What do you think the world would look like?
Two days from today, August 13, 1727—296 years ago, this theory was a reality. The church was not anything worth bragging about. They couldn't even get along with each other. It was ultimately the children of that little group who prayed for unity with the nobleman of the property, Count Niklaus Von Zinzendorf.
The Spirit of God came down so mightily upon the congregation of Herrnhut that to this day, the Moravian Church celebrates "Moravian Pentecost." The people unified, and many surrendered to ministry...some even selling themselves into slavery for the sake of the gospel. But it began with a prayer meeting that lasted for 100 years.
Around the dates of this prayer meeting, here's what the world looked like:
England was saved from self-destruction under the direction of John and Charles Wesley.
America experienced two Great Awakenings.
“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” was preached.
EVERY soul in Rochester, NY would be saved.
The Welsh Revival would ensue.
The world would hear of D.L. Moody, R.A. Torrey, and H.A. Ironside.
Prayer meetings that would affect two continents for Christ would take place ON WALLSTREET of all places!
In theory . . .
What would the world look like if ONE CHURCH took 1 Thessalonians 5:17 seriously?
I don't know about you, but my theory estimates in the BILLIONS in souls turning to Jesus.
What's your theory?
Michael Barnett: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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