WhatsTruthProverbs 10:19: “In the multitude of words there wanted not sin: but he that refrains his lips is wise.”

The doctrine of Donald Trump is “flexibility.” During the No. 11 debate last night in Detroit, Donald Trump made it clear that he believed that it was okay to be flexible and change your mind, no matter what you may have said or believed in the past. Wow, I thought that this is what had made the people of America so angry. They want politicians who won’t change their minds.

Throughout his campaign Trump has reiterated over and over again that people are sick and tired of politicians who say one thing and when elected to Washington change their minds. This to me is plain, straight hypocrisy for he criticizes others for doing what he believes in doing himself.

He says he is not a politician. He is a business man who is very flexible in order to get a good deal for himself. If he is the nominee for the GOP, I think he will fit in perfectly with the Washington cartel establishment. To Donald Trump, what you say is not that important; what is important is what you get.

People are fickle and believe that what he says he will do. But the big question is, especially after his backing down when faced with questions and answering that he will be flexible is: will he really do what he says he will do?

Behind closed doors he secretly explains to others his flexibility who agree to a gag order. Could it be that he doesn’t mean to carry out what he said about sending all illegal immigrants back? Will he be flexible on the issue? He will not allow us to hear what was said in the secret meeting. What’s he got to hide from us?

One thing for sure from last night’s debate is that Donald Trump stated with his own mouth that he will be involved in current court battles over his business deal with Trump University for a number of years to come. There could be other legal battles over his business dealings. The question is: if elected, would this affect his work as president of the United States?

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell




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