Some men may have great influence in this world by virtue of their gift. Others have less influence on their fellow men, and yet, we all have some influence, either for good or bad. The state of our heart will determine the kind of influence we have on our family and fellow man.

Whether we have a powerful ministry or not, our hearts need to be kept pure. How many mighty men have fallen because of their unclean hearts? I am sure that most of us have already taken note that during these primary elections, hopeful candidates have been greatly affected for good or evil because of their past sins and mistakes. I am sure there are some who wish they had not committed these sins or compromised the values they should have held. But now, sadly, it is too late. It all comes back to the “little foxes” that were allowed to continue in their hearts.

We who point the finger, are we not also guilty? Are we not deceived in our hearts when we want the economy to be fixed more than the morals?

Proverbs 14:34 says, “Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” Do we cry out to God more for the financial stability of our times than for the decay of our morals? How can God answer this type of prayer?

Be encouraged. Colin Campbell

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