NotByMightButHow each of our families need the Holy Spirit’s power and assistance. We live in a very deceived world. Many are deceived about moral issues, e.g. homosexual views including gay marriage, abortions, Planned Parenthood, divorce, and couples cohabiting together as partners. Many are deceived by tolerance towards many of the extreme doctrines of Islam such as Sharia law which degrades women, and yet it seems that feminists have no issue with it. How deceived are they?

Many are deceived into believing it is godly to limit the number of children they should birth and raise. Many are deceived into pushing their children into socialistic state schools where liberalism and anti-conservative values are taught and practiced.

If you are a conservative guest speaker, you may be attacked and screamed down. What happened to freedom of speech in many of our college/universities today?

It is increasingly evident that we are in the midst of a big spiritual battle for the heart and soul of our nation. If the early church believed they needed the fullness and power of the Holy Spirit, how much more do we need Him at this critical time of our history.

As parents, there some important things we can and must do for our children. Firstly, we must teach them about the Holy Spirit having His rightful place in their lives. How can they desire Him if they don’t know Him?

Secondly, we must daily pray for them so their hearts will be open and desirous of His involvement in their lives.

Thirdly, we must find some place of worship where the Holy Spirit is moving so they will become more familiar with the Holy Spirit’s moving in other people’s lives.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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