WeNeedMoreChildrenIt’s sad we did not have enough arrows in our quivers to provide enough votes to keep the House of Representatives in the Republican camp. We are struggling to have enough votes to have a strong majority in the Senate. We need them to overcome any weak Republicans when it comes to passing important conservative legislation.

The big political battle that continues all comes back to one simple truth. We need to fill our quivers with arrows to swamp the vote with multitudes of conservative voters.

God has mandated us to “be fruitful and multiply and have dominion” as well as giving us the ability to do so. The problem we have is of our own making. If we will only humble ourselves, be teachable, and raise the children God wants us to have, we will quickly change the voting dynamic.

In our counties we have allowed ourselves to be deceived by Satan-inspired education and media. Without a doubt God is behind, and backing, all conservative, moral values and the devil is behind all left-wing humanistic, extreme socialistic values. However, we who call ourselves conservative, need to wake up and be fruitful and multiply in the natural realm so there will be people to be fruitful and multiply in the spiritual realm.

The question remains: how can we swamp the voting booths if we do not bring to birth the voters and raise them at home with biblical, conservative values?

Because we face so much negativity in the main stream media and left-wing state schools and colleges, I cannot see for the life of me any other answer to our national dilemma.

The democratic idea is to open the gates to illegal immigration, hoping that they will vote for them. However, I think it is high time we woke up to do things God’s way. God always provides for us if we will only do it His way.

We cannot expect to win elections, no matter how hard we array, if we keep doing things according to our own mindset and reasoning. This is the humanistic way. Humanism, simply explained, is humans doing things according to their own wisdom and reasoning. This is building one’s house upon the sand. When the storms come, the house falls.

But Jesus told us in Matthew 7:24-27 to build our lives, homes, and nations upon His teachings and His words so that when the floods come and the wind blows, the marriage, the home, the family, the city, and the nation will not fall. Those that do otherwise will experience a great fall. This is what Jesus said: “And GREAT was the fall of it” (Matthew 7:27).

We who are conservatives can agree on this point, that we desperately need more conservative voters.

And everyone said, Amen!

Be encouraged,

Colin Campbell


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