UncompromissingI believe that most men respect the manly virtue of having backbone for it speaks of the ability to stand up in the face of opposition. A man may appear strong physically but if his spine is injured, he is still a weak man. There is something wrong when a man speaks the truth but backs down when he is opposed by friends or foes. He reveals that he is a pushover.
Every man should stand by his convictions to truth and never back down, not for anyone, no matter how many important or wealthy they may be. It is morally wrong to cave in and compromise on matters of truth.
Speak the truth and stand by it, come hell or high water!
We are living in days of much pressure to compromise on moral values such as homosexuality, abortion, and adultery. If we keep compromising, the day will soon come when we will not know right from wrong and we will start calling what is wrong right. This is the world we are facing now.
There will always be multitudes who will pat you on the back when you compromise values to their way of thinking, but deep down they would respect you more if you stuck to your guns about the truth.
"Buy the truth, and sell it not" (Proverbs 23:23).
Be encouraged,
Colin Campbell

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