By Colin Campbell on Monday, 05 May 2014
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


Today we start a new series.

Men the true sons of God are those who seek to be the bearers of the likeness and image of God. Whatever the Father is about, whatever His business is about, the true sons of God are right there. They are involved with all their heart. Even as Jesus, the Son of His Father confessed "I must be about my Father's business" (Luke 2:49).

The true sons of God realize the privilege of their relationship with the Father and do not take it for granted. Their Father is the maker and upholder of the universe and all that it contains. Their Father is exceedingly special. He is the Father of all fathers, the God of all gods, the Lord of lords and the King of kings. What a great Father we have.

It is our privilege to be intensely devoted to Him. We must, by the power of the Holy Spirit, resist every temptation to fail in our affection towards Him. On the contrary, let us make every endeavor to be the most loving, grateful, and affectionate son that our Heavenly Father could possibly have.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell